I love making things from wood!! I have many ideas. I hope you enjoy them.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Firecrackers; These are made from 1 landscape timber  I purchased at the local Home Depot.(36", 32",28") The stars are cut from 1/4 in wood tied on with rope. The fuse is rope twisted with wire and glued in to a drilled hole at the top of the timber. Paint the top of the firecracker blue about 10in. The bottom is painted red and white stripes.Tie rope around log where blue meets stripes. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Apple candlesticks

I love these they look and feel like summer.

Summer Apples

These are really fun and are easy to make. Made from a 4x4. They are 4x4x4. Sand the edges heavily and drill a hole for stem. Add fabric for a leaf and a branch for stem. The box I made from cedar fencing.