I love making things from wood!! I have many ideas. I hope you enjoy them.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Here is a very easy nativity to make. You can make them any size.
You need a 2x4,1x4 pine for baby, 2- 3in heads with flat bottoms, 1 half egg shape for baby head, 1/2 yd fabric for scarfs and baby blanket, red and green paint and jute rope.

My Christmas Tree

My grandchildren love my tree. Especially Lily and Olivia.

Tomato Cage Trees

This picture doesn't do them justice. They really are pretty!!
All you need is- tomato cage, lights and lots of Tulle!! Put the lights on first then wrap the tulle around cage starting at the bottom. To make it look fuller I gathered the tulle on the sewing machine. Make sure your layers of tulle over lap.

Cone Trees

Believe it or not- these are super easy to make!! Cone is made from poster board and fabric is glued on before you shape the cone. The stands are old candle sticks or lamp bases and I spray painted mine the color I wanted. Embellish them with anything you choose. They are very attractive.


I made this on a plastic wreath that was wrapped in silver garland- I found it at Home Depot. The bulbs are then glued on- start in the inside circle. Bells are hanging on the bottom. This was fun and very easy. Enjoy ΓΌ


Christmas is one of my favorite holidays- I love the decorations. Here is one of my nativities.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I love to try new things!

I wanted to start a blog- so here I go. This might take me awhile but I have a lot to share.